In the fourth module, you will add networking capabilities to your system, which we will consider to be an additional sensory capability, further improving its contextual behaviour. For example, you will detect smartphones on the home network, providing an indication of inhabitants being at home or away from home.

After this module, you should be able to:

Explain the selection criteria that drive network choices that fit what you are designing.

Leverage the network infrastructure as a sensor.

Motivate the choice of network technology based on selection criteria

Specify the network requirements of a connected product

Collaborate with your team members around code development with Git and GitHub.

Self-Study Material

In this module, the self-study material focus on the main network technologies allowing to transmit information from one device to another. While industry standards are quickly evolving, we will particularly look at selection criteria to make choices that fit what you are designing.


In this assignment, you will design and evaluate network architecture for your GoodNight Lamp prototype. Then, you will explore how to discover devices on the network to automatically find your lightbulb IP address.

Lab Xp

In this Lab Experiment, we will use the NetworkScanner introduced in the live session to detect a smartphone on the network. It will provide an indicator 'at home' and 'away from home' that we will use to control the light.

Live Session

In this session, we finally establish the connection between several remote light bulbs. We also demonstrate how to use the local WiFi network as a sensor, to detect the presence of people in the house. As usual, we will keep a significant room for your questions.

Coaching Session

This will be the third group session with your coach. You will receive feedback about what you reported on your GitHub repository.

Snippet of code for this module

Maintain, Connect and Structure Code
Prototyping Connected Products - Lab Experiment 3

Network Technologies
Prototyping Connected Product - Self-Study 4

TU Delft IoT Rapid-Proto Labs Erasmus +

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