In the fifth module, you will teach the system to offer and access REST APIs. This will open the system for richer interaction and capability. For example, you will control your prototype from a smartphone and add the weather forecast to the context of your lighting system.

After this module, you should be able to:

Explain the concept of protocol, the network principles behind HTTP and MQTT and the fundamentals of web security.

Make calls to external web services and implement a REST API to open your connected product to external parties.

Specify a REST API

Collaborate with your team members around code development with Git and GitHub.

Self-Study Material

In this module, the self-study material focus on web technology. We will explore web services and how they leverage the world wide web. Diving in the technology, we will introduce HTTP and the REST APIs.


In this assignment, you will enrich your connected lightbulb with an external web services of current weather and open it up for external access from your smartphone.

Lab Xp

In this Lab Experiment, Step 1 will walk you through the specification of a REST API for your connected product. In step 2, we will see how to listen to the data updates of someone else's THING in your team via MQTT, realising the concept of the Good Night Lamp.

Live Session

In this session, we will build a REST API and deploy it on the Raspberry Pi. We will also demonstrate how to use the REST API of an existing web service. As usual, we will keep a significant room for your questions.

Coaching Session

This will be the fourth group session with your coach. You will receive feedback about what you reported on your GitHub repository.

Connection Events
Prototyping Connected Products - Lab Experiment 4

APIs and the Web
Prototyping Connected Product - Self-Study 5

TU Delft IoT Rapid-Proto Labs Erasmus +

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